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How nanobots are used as artificial blood?

Nanobots are actually nano-robots , those robots whose parts are in the size of nanometers.
The application of these nanobots is this that they can be used in those areas where it is difficult for human hands.

Since now in human body artificial blood can be used which is made of these nanobots . Just like human blood which consist of
1. Red blood cells
2. White blood cells
3. Platelets

1. Haemoglobin transports about 97-98% of oxygen from lungs to body tissues as oxyhaemoglobin.
2. Haemoglobin also transports about 23% of carbon dioxide from the body tissues to the lungs as carbaminohaemoglobin.

1. Neutrophils act as soldiers gaurding the body . They eat up invading microbes by phagocytosis. 
2. Basophils secrete heparin which prevents coagulation of blood in the blood vessels.
3. Monocytes act as scavengers and eat up damaged and dead cells to keep the body clean.
4. Acidophils help in healing of wounds.
5. Lymphocytes produce antibodies which provide immunity from disease causing pathogens.

At injury , these release an enzyme thromboplastin which causes coagulation of blood (clot formation) to prevent excessive bleeding.
Just like human blood nanobots also contain three components and these components are
1. Respirocytes
2. Microbivores
3. Clottocytes

1. Respirocytes are tiny Nanomedical devices of 1 Micron in diameter designed to operate on the molecular level.
2. Respirocytes function as artificial red blood cells carrying Oxygen and Carbon dioxide molecules to the body.
3. Temporary replacement for natural blood cells in the case of an emergency.
4. Used for other problems with gases in the bloodstream.
5. Respirocytes could also be used as a complete or partial symptomatic treatment for Virtually all forms of anaemia.
6. Respirocytes would help to treat a wide variety of lung diseases.

How do they work
1. Respirocytes destroying bacteria by contrast each respirocytes stores up to 1.51 billion oxygen molecules hundred percent of which are accessible to the tissues.
2. Respirocytes are very safe and extremely reliable.
1. These nanobots would function similarly with white blood cells in our bodies, but they are designed to be much faster at destroying bacteria.
2. Microbivore nanobots are designed so that antibodies attached to the particular bacteria the Robot is seeking. After bacteria attaches to an antibody NM grabs the bacteria and moves it to the inside of the nanobot where it is destroyed by the nanobots. Bacteria is done discharged into the bloodstream as harmless fragments.
1. It act as an artificial platelets.
2. It reduces the time for blood clotting.
3. It may Allow to complete hemostatic in little as approximately 1 second, even in large wounds.
The need of artificial blood increased because of our daily routine and the food which we eat the normal food which we eat contain many harmful ingredients which destroy our blood , so there comes the need of artificial blood and also because of the need of blood at the time of injuries.
According to medical folklore, the ancient Incas were responsible for the first recorded blood transfusions. No real progress was made in the development of a blood substitute until 1616, when William Harvey described how blood is circulated throughout the body. In the years to follow, medical practitioners tried numerous substances such as beer, urine, milk, plant resins, and sheep blood as a substitute for blood. They had hoped that changing a person's blood could have different beneficial effects such as curing diseases or even changing a personality. The first successful human blood transfusions were done in 1667. Unfortunately, the practice was halted because patients who received subsequent transfusions died.
In overall we discuss how nanobots are used as artificial blood , which means that the patient having blood group which is very rare (O-) can be saved with the help of nanobots. These nanobots are of great use and some of them are discussed above.

Due to this a question may arise to us and that question is that can nanobots can give us immortality? 
And I can say that may be in time it is possible because we are researching alot in this field of nanotechnology which ultimately a very good achievement in us that we are doing very good. So, it may be possible that we can live forever with these nanobots .

By sudhanshu tidyal 


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