Computer system:
A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instructions known as "program". It is an electronic machine that helps you to process data. It is used to solve problems related to almost every field such as education , home, medicine , science and technolgy, research, designing and publishing.A computer system has two main parts:
1. Hardware.
2. Software.
Computer performs various operations to solve problems. To solve these problems, the various units of a computer system must perform and coordinate these operations.
These are the physical uniys of a computer sustem. You can touch and feel them. These units constitute the hardware of a computer.
You know that a computer has following unigs:
1. Input unit.
2. Processing unit.
3. Output unit.
4. Memory unit.
Input unit enables you to enter data into a conputer. You alredy know about the most common input devices are:
a)Flatbed scanner.
b)Handheld scanner.
2. MICR(Magnetic Ink Character Recognition).
Output units enables the computer to show you the desired result and information. You already know about the most common output devices :monitor, printer and speaker. Let's learn about tyoes of printers and some other output devices.
There are mainly three tyoes of printers:
1. Dot matrix printer.
2. Inkjet printer.
3. Laser printer.

Laser printer
These are intangible which are used to make computer user friendly.
If you have any doubts please write it in comments and I will try to solve them.
- By sudhanshu tidyal
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