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Showing posts from January, 2018

How nanobots are used as artificial blood?

Nanobots are actually nano-robots  , those robots whose parts are in the size of nanometers. The application of these nanobots is this that they can be used in those areas where it is difficult for human hands. Since now in human body artificial blood can be used which is made of these nanobots . Just like human blood which consist of 1. Red blood cells 2. White blood cells 3. Platelets Function of RED BLOOD CELLS 1. Haemoglobin transports about 97-98% of oxygen from lungs to body tissues as oxyhaemoglobin. 2. Haemoglobin also transports about 23% of carbon dioxide from the body tissues to the lungs as carbaminohaemoglobin. FUNCTION OF WHITE BLOOD CELLS 1. Neutrophils act as soldiers gaurding the body . They eat up invading microbes by phagocytosis.  2. Basophils secrete heparin which prevents coagulation of blood in the blood vessels. 3. Monocytes act as scavengers and eat up damaged and dead cells to keep the body clean. 4. Acidophils help in healing of wounds.

Interior designing -best option for career.

Today we live in that era where there is a lot of career options one of them is interior designing. Now let us know about interior designing so what actually interior designing is  Interior designing means enhancing of interiors of houses and building by art and technical knowledge. Interior designing is a multifaceted profession (which means it include a wide range of profession in itself) that include 1.  t echnical and conceptual development of the individual, 2. i t helps in the planning of the space inside a room of a building or a house 3.  i t also include site inspection, programming and research. 4. i t also help in communicating with the stakeholders of a project, construction management,execution of the design. A HISTORICAL e.g . : BALLET COLLEGE DINNING HALL Now we will see the basic difference between interior designing and interior decorators . So the basic difference between interior designing and interior decorators is education  , a decorator is not educat

Use your spare time in earning money through online apps

Now here are the 5 apps which you can use to earn money online 1. Flikk      It's an online app of 5.6 megabyte having a rating of 4.4 and downloaded by 5 million people overseas. Now with the help of this app you can perform alot of things with it's features some of them are: 1. It runs on two basic languages which are Hindi and English. 2. With this app you can watch live cricket scores, and stay updated with top stories . 3. It also give gureanteed mobile recharges up to $1.5 every day. 2. Task   bucks     Its an online app of 7.2 megabyte having a rating of 4.4 and downloaded over 10 million overseas. This app gives us tasks and with the completion of tasks we can earn money as: 1. Get paytm cash everyday complete a task &get up to 💯 Rupees in a day. 2. The reward you earn it can be transferred to your paytm wallet. 3. It offers us with free recharges & bill payments by completing tasks. 4. You can play quiz and can win 50 rupees directly in you

Unknown facts about INDIA

There are many facts about INDIA that most of the people don't know. The few of them are discussed in this blog: 1. Floating post office     We have seen post office in our city but this post office is something different. It floats on the dal lake. In India there are more than 155k post offices and an average post office serves more than 70k people . 2. Highest cricket ground in the world     India has the highest cricket ground in the world. This cricket ground is at an altitude of 2445 mtr. The ground is at Himachal Pradesh,called as ,the chal cricket ground. It was built in 1893 and it is also a part of chal military school. It is also one of the oldest cricket ground in India. 3. Second largest English speaking country India comes after China in the speaking of English as these two countries are the most populated countries. India comes after China in the population . 4. Maximum number of vegetarians in the world India is a country of religions. The

How to earn money?

After thinking alot and many research in the internet I found a simple way that 'how to become rich' . In this world not everyone has job and not everyone if perfect , so there will be something which everyone can perform. The way that I am talking about is BITCOINS (BTC). So what are these BITCOINS? The answer comes out as the BITCOINS are just like shares in simple words they are the online generated money . BITCOINS are not tangible they are something which is in the binary form that it is the the form of signals( that is we know that computer works on binary language which means that it is in the form of 0 and 1 .) Since there are many applications which can provide us free BITCOINS but stay away from the thugs. U can install them and collect them through your BTC address. Always use different BTC address while taking out your BITCOINS transaction. In this world BITCOINS gain popularity in a very short tine. And now the cost of Bitcoin is approximately more than $20