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How to earn money?

After thinking alot and many research in the internet I found a simple way that 'how to become rich' . In this world not everyone has job and not everyone if perfect , so there will be something which everyone can perform. The way that I am talking about is BITCOINS (BTC).

So what are these BITCOINS? The answer comes out as the BITCOINS are just like shares in simple words they are the online generated money . BITCOINS are not tangible they are something which is in the binary form that it is the the form of signals( that is we know that computer works on binary language which means that it is in the form of 0 and 1 .)

Since there are many applications which can provide us free BITCOINS but stay away from the thugs.

U can install them and collect them through your BTC address.
Always use different BTC address while taking out your BITCOINS transaction. In this world BITCOINS gain popularity in a very short tine. And now the cost of Bitcoin is approximately more than $2000 US dollars .
CASINO is another bitcoin unit which is very popular , let me clear  u about an interesting fact about BITCOINS is that BITCOINS exists in different types.

So be aware before taking BITCOINS from someone that which kind of Bitcoin that person be giving you.

Initially BITCOINS was not popular but there popularity increases in the 90s . And now there prices increases day by day. They are just like shares whose prices may increase or decrease.
We all know money is everything in this world and those who said that money is not I advice them send it to my bank.

By sudhanshu tidyal


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